

A Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Blog Post

If you’re looking to write kickass blogs that make people stand up and pay attention, you’re going to need a guide.

Writing a blog post that cuts through the noise and gives readers something both informative and interesting to read is the key to engagement. 

In this post, our step-by-step guide will share tips and tricks for creating awesome posts that gain traction. 

So, let’s get started.

1. Pick a topic that needs answering

You might have come across a blog lately that ticked most of the boxes, but didn’t quite cut it. Maybe you can offer a different spin on things. If you’re frequently coming across topics that aren’t fully answered - be the one to answer them.

But where do you look for content ideas? There are plenty of places to look.

  • Look at comments on both your own posts and the posts of others in your niche

  • Ask your current readers for feedback

  • Use tools such as BuzzSumo to find popular posts in your niche

  • Use Answerthepublic to ‘listen’ in and see what people are searching for online

  • Check out reviews of books in your niche on Amazon

  • Think about what you read and what is and isn’t covered

2. Craft a great headline that sucks readers in

One of the issues with throwing yourself into writing a blog is not knowing the direction it’s going in. Your headline should work as your roadmap, allowing you to stay on track.

To avoid writing and then returning to your title, spend some time crafting your headline from the very beginning. Use this as your guide for what you plan on covering in your blog post.

Of course, it may change slightly in terms of wording. But the aim of the game is to keep it as on track as you can! This saves time, keeps your blog content on point and helps you to work productively when producing a lot of content.

A killer headline will draw your readers in, promising the answer to whatever may be troubling them. Don’t fill your blog with total waffle with one paragraph at the end actually answering their question.

3. Write an introduction that’ll seduce your reader

Easier said than done, I know. Writing an introduction is always a tricky task, whether a blog post, essay or even a book. Often, writers return to their introduction after completing the bulk of their blog, in order to see what they have/haven’t mentioned and teased their reader with. 

Instead, step into the shoes of your reader. Show them that you know exactly what they’re going through. Writing a blog on how to better their lives and power through stress? Empathise! 

You have more than likely experienced the struggle you’re writing about at some point, so don’t be afraid to get into the nitty gritty. We teach topics well that we have learned firsthand - so use that experience and pass on your wisdom.

Where possible, tell a story and lead your reader in through your blog post’s narrative. Tug at their heartstrings if applicable. You’re writing to make an impact, whatever the topic may be. 

When you’re writing your blog post, trigger the reader’s emotions in some way. When you sit down to write, think about some of the emotions they may be feeling. It could be feelings of joy, sadness, anger, comfort, love, courage, etc etc.

Don’t get too heavy with your introduction or the reader may feel as though they’re never going to reach the information they’re looking for. You can be as brief as you like! Slash away at words, don’t babble.

4. Deliver information in bite-sized chunks

I don’t know about you, but when I read content online I love a good heading. I admit, I skim read a lot. But that’s what headings are for. If you’ve caught the reader with your headline and introduction, you need to make good use of subheadings to split your content up.

If this blog was one lengthy stretch of text, you wouldn’t be reading this very sentence, would you?

Use subheadings as pit stops in your content. Give your readers an idea of what each section entails, so they know exactly what they’re about to find below it. Don’t mislead with dramatic headings just for the sake of using fancy words! Be up front. 

Treat your subheadings like mini headlines. Don’t give it all away, but don’t bore your readers either.


5. Follow a formula

Where possible, keep each section relatively similar in length. While some parts of your blog may need to be elaborated upon more than others, don’t go writing 100 words for one section and 700 for another. 

The more consistency you can keep across your blog content, the better the reader’s experience will be.

Writing sections that go crazy on one area of your blog post show a level of sloppiness in your writing - giving away that you didn’t quite plan what you wanted to write. 

If you want to get real pro here… Consider creating your own format across your blog posts. Maybe each section you write starts with a bold statement for discussion, a question, or even a quote. If this guide is followed each time, readers will know exactly what to expect from your blog posts.

The more guidance you add to your blog posts, the easier they will be to write. Using a framework will help you write more proactively, saving you time and helping you create more juicy content!

6. Don’t hold back on your ideas

Reading a blog post that promises all the answers but simply skims over the details is the most frustrating thing ever. 

Don’t hold back when it comes to giving information away to your readers. Work through the problem with them. Find the pain points and address them, don’t simply brush past them with the hope of gaining an email address.

By showing your loyalty in helping your readers with valuable content, they are much more likely to work with you or buy from you. 

While you can wow your readers with 600/700 words, where you can, try and offer even more. A generous, well-planned and thoughtful blog post may reside closer to the 1,000 mark. But don’t be put off at the thought of producing long-form content! It will not only benefit your readers but improve your SEO too.

7. Start and finish your blog with a bang

So, we’ve already covered your kickass introduction, but now you need to round things up.

It’s time to close your blog with a bang! By now, your reader should feel as though they’ve found all the information they were looking for (and promised).

Make them believe they can achieve exactly what you’ve just taught them! Or, if you’re following your blog post up with a course, another post or even an event, don’t be afraid to tell them about it.

This is also where you can use a great call to action to entice your reader. It could be a ‘check out our post on X’, a sign-up, contact form, you get the idea.

Don’t whack in a few more tips in your ‘conclusion’ or it’ll just confuse your reader. They’ve read the tips, they want the big finish! 

Use this quick checklist before posting your blog:

  • Get the editing knife out. Unless you’re speaking on a real personal level, take a knife to your content and cut out all unnecessary words, sentences, the lot. 

  • Give it a read over to ensure you’re not lecturing the reader or being condescending in any way.

  • Add some emotion in. If you’re giving enthusiasm in your blog content, your readers will feel it too.

  • Get a little creative. Break up large paragraphs, add in imagery, infographics and stats where required. Nobody wants to read a whole load of text, this is a blog, not an essay.

  • Check your wording. Be sure to check you’re not repeating yourself or contradicting your advice throughout.

  • Avoid any abrupt changes in topic. This will jar the reader and lose their thread.

  • Use bullet points where you can to break up any lengthy lists.

  • SEO that bad boy. Optimise your content with links to supporting blogs or external sources where relevant.

  • Be vigilant with typos, spelling mistakes and grammar issues. Grammarly is great for keeping your writing on track.

Woah, that was a lot to take in, wasn’t it?

As you can see, there’s quite a lot to think about when it comes to creating blog content. We hope you’re feeling prepared to get stuck in!

Feeling stuck? Get in touch and we’ll help get your content on the right path.