

7 Tips To Be More Productive

Getting yourself into a productive mindset is a little like trying a new diet. You've gotta kick those bad habits out the door before you get started. I'm sorry, there's no room here for snacks. We've all worked in jobs where there's always that person who seems to get everything done.

I mean, are they a robot? Or some sort of machine? Do they have secret fairies in their desk drawer? Nope. So how do these highly productive people do it? I might not be able to transform your work schedule, but I'm about to share 7 tips to get you working more productively.

  1. Get to grips with your productive mindset

A productive person's attitude:

  • I need to do XYZ - What is the best way to get these tasks done?

Instead of worrying yourself thinking, 'How am I ever going to get all this work done?' switch this mindset towards breaking down those tasks. The way you talk to yourself really affects your outlook. We've all been there. Sat at our desk, head in hands, staring blankly at a schedule or calendar of work wondering where to begin.

Although it can often seem tempting to strike off those easy little tasks first, this leads me onto my next point...

2. Focus on the most important tasks first

Sure, easy little tasks may get you feeling better about your to-do list, but they may not be the most important. Your most important task may be sending a proposal, scheduling social media or writing a blog, so get cracking on this first thing. The first hour at work is where people are most productive - Especially if your morning starts with a coffee.

Put the most difficult and challenging tasks on your to-do list first thing, to make a dent in your agenda within your first hour. Follow this up with less pressing work before ending with those routine tasks you just kinda need to do, but find the most boring.


3. Make a daily to-do list and keep it in sight

Not knowing where to begin is a horrible feeling. Instead of setting your schedule for the week ahead and feeling a little overwhelmed, create a daily to-do list. This'll help you feel a sense of accomplishment when you tick off a task! Keep it in sight to ensure you're staying on track, having knocked those all-important tasks out the park at the beginning of the day!

4. Identify those pesky time thieves

If you're frequently left thinking, 'what did I do today?' the chances are some tasks or activities have taken your time away. In identifying your biggest time thieves, your time management will begin to improve. It could be that certain tasks often throw you off course, or maybe emails distract your daily structure.

An extremely bad habit in recent years? Social media.

Many of us are guilty for 'just checking' social media, later finding ourselves stalking our neighbour's Facebook profile for way too long. Where possible, whack your mobile phone onto 'do not disturb' or silent during work hours, keeping your attention on the work at hand. If it's not work-related, it can wait until later. Prioritising your work over Facebook notifications and text messages will make a huge impact on your productivity throughout the day.

In fact, have you ever noticed how your iPhone tells you your daily screen time? Keep track of this before and after trying these tips!

This leads me to tip number five...

5. Take breaks to increase productivity

While getting your head in the zone will work wonders for your productivity and mindset, you've got to allow yourself to take breaks too. Working for long stretches at a time will lead to stress and exhaustion - the total opposite to our intentions here! Taking breaks will refresh your mind and replenish your mental resources.

You know those "aha!" moments? They often come to those who allow their minds to take a break.

Micro-breaks and lunchtime breaks away from work have shown to have a "positive relationship with wellbeing and productivity." This detachment from your work can help boost your mood, benefit your wellbeing and reduce stress. Chatting with your peers and planning something to do in your breaks that you enjoy will help you to get the most out of your break time.

6. Keep enough water on the go

It's important to keep both your mind and body refreshed. As well as being distracted by social media, many of us (including me!) can start to feel peckish at work, seeking snacks - Therefore allowing time to drift away. In reality, we're probably thirsty. Keeping enough water nearby will help you battle both (pretend) hunger and fatigue.

7. Keep your emails organised

As well as social media, emails can quickly become a huge distraction. But what's worse than a distraction? A disorganised one. Instead of jumping across tasks all day, set some time aside to respond to emails. Check your emails only when you're done with the most important task of the day, or they will quickly eat into your productive morning. Make sure you limit your email time - After all, plenty of them can wait until a gap in your to-do list!

Keeping productive at work

How do you feel about increasing your productivity levels? Let us know in the comments below.