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Why should your business be on social media?

Joining social media can often feel a little daunting, especially for a business that’s relatively new to any form of social platform. It doesn’t matter whether you run a local gym or a big national clothing company, social media should be an essential piece of your marketing strategy.

Let’s get one thing straight: your business needs a social media presence. Firstly, let’s look into how social media will benefit your business.

Social media increases brand awareness

With over 3.8 billion users on social media - yes, you heard me right - the time really is now to show your business off on the platforms that work for you. But don’t worry, we’ll talk about nailing which platform is right for you very soon.

Customers expect to find your business on social media

Social platforms will help you to connect with your customers, as well as increase brand awareness and boost sales/leads. But first, you need to understand and develop a social media strategy. 

What is the purpose of your business on social media - are you simply trying to push your message out there? Do you hope to bring more local shoppers through your door? Don’t be afraid to get specific with your strategy, as this will help you to determine which channels are the best match for your business.

Communicating authority

We live in a world where social media very much sways our opinion. If you were looking for a restaurant to go to a quick Google search would most likely show both their website and some sort of social media profile. Customers are getting savvier by the day and more discerning about which businesses they support.

What will they come across? An empty profile with its last post in 2007 or an engagement-filled feed of goodness? Updating your profiles frequently helps to build your brand’s authority and position in the marketplace. After all, which one would you be more inclined to buy from: A page full of information on the product you’re seeking, or one with very few posts and zero reviews?

Show the human side of your business

Studies show that many of us don’t trust a brand until we see “real-world-proof” that it is keeping its promises. In order to connect with your existing and potential new customers, you need to show the human side of your brand. Embrace your brand values - if you’re a chilled out, urban brand - show it. How are you looking out for the best interests of your customers and employees? There are so many questions to answer, but at the end of the day, you’ve got to show your human side.

Get that engagement going

Sure, you’re on social media to show that your business is very much alive, and awesome. But… What you’re also seeking is engagement. Social media platforms are evolving very quickly and businesses need to adapt in order to keep up and keep their customers engaged.

Don’t be afraid to utilise tools such as Instagram and Facebook stories to show behind-the-scenes snippets of your work day, something cool you’ve been working on or, well, pretty much anything. Video is on the rise, so be sure to get yourself ready to show more than your ‘human side’.

Offer customer support

Do you remember the days of sitting on the phone for hours as you try to reach a company’s support team? Gone are the days of things happening slowly. Instead, social media platforms have broken down those barriers between companies and their customers. Many consumers turn to fast-moving platforms such as Facebook and Twitter for problem solving and information.

Grow with a budget

Of course there are opportunities for ads everywhere you go on social media, but with a strong social media strategy it doesn't necessarily have to break the bank. Not every business can afford huge campaigns, but instead being active, being quick to reply and showing the true values behind your business will win customers alone.

Have you recently taken the leap into social media?

If you’re looking for help and advice, get in touch with us here at Second Mind Marketing and we’ll be happy to help.

You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram (see what I did there?).