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What is inbound marketing?

With so many marketing buzzwords flying around, it can be confusing to distinguish what they all mean. 

Inbound marketing is a popular strategy for many, and when done well, it really works.

But what is inbound marketing, really?

If you’ve landed here after searching “what is inbound marketing”, there are a couple of things you should know.

Firstly, if you found us, we’re doing inbound marketing well. Hoorah!

Secondly, you’re more than likely looking for a quick definition of inbound marketing before you want to look into it further.

Simply put, inbound marketing is a digital marketing strategy that organically attracts users to your company website when they’re looking for solutions.

Let’s talk marketing strategies

When you tell someone you work in marketing, they’re most likely imagining something along the lines of…

  • Catalogues

  • Cold calling

  • Radio and print advertising

  • Etc etc

Examples of inbound marketing


We hear this time and time again: Why does my website need a blog?

We’ll tell you why. A blog is an awesome way to answer any questions clients/customers may have fed back to you, in engaging long-form content. The more you keep your blog up to date and full of fresh, engaging content, the higher chance you’ll have of becoming a trusted brand. 

Think about it. Every time you do a search on Google (or another search engine) you’ll be met with a number of sites you most likely trust as a reliable source. Now you need to become the reliable go-to!


Some information is difficult to show your audience in long-form content, especially when it can be summed up in an infographic. 

If you can get people talking about your brand, you’ll see conversions in no time at all.


There are many benefits to an ebook - similar to that of a whitepaper. 

An ebook is a great opportunity to develop your brand as an authoritative resource of information. Remember, you’re kinda writing a book, so don’t take the task too lightly.

Ebooks also work wonderfully as lead magnets to capture addresses for your mailing list.

Case studies

When people are on the fence about a product or service, a case study can help aid their decision making. 

Imagine you’re a business owner in the market for social media management software. While searching online for something that ticks all the boxes, coming across a case study that tells a story can give that extra nudge towards making a decision.


Podcasting is on the rise, allowing listeners to absorb information on the go. Many people nowadays are listing to podcasts while doing everyday tasks, such as shopping, cleaning, or even while taking a shower.

> Perk of podcasts? They allow you to inject some personality into your brand.


Video content is massive! Instagram video content is (more than) on the rise, especially with the introduction of Reels. 

If there is a time to get started with video content, that time is now. Check out these video marketing statistics if you don’t believe me.

Search engine optimisation

Ah, SEO. You know we’re huge fans! Often used as an umbrella term, SEO refers to a range of practices you can utilise to make your content visible in search engine results. 

While putting a lot of effort into your ebook and video content is awesome, it only works if your users can find you in organic search results.

> For more tips on improve your content, check out our latest post on your content marketing.

Why should I use inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing is a wonderful tool for bringing users to your website. Although we’ve given you multiple examples, it could be that they don’t all work for your brand.

In fact, it could be that just one or two make the cut. If you’ve found the area that works for you, keep at it and don’t spread yourself too thin. If you’re getting kickass views on your video content, keep it up! If you’re seeing very few downloads of your ebook, it could be that your content isn’t quite what users are looking for - or that they can’t find it!

Finding the balance that works for you will result in strong leads and engagement - making it well worth the effort.

Do you need help with your inbound marketing strategy?

Can’t quite get it right? We’re here to help. 

Talk to our team and we’ll have your inbound marketing strategy in place in no time!