Second Mind

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Make Room For The Dreams

Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you try and how much you do isn’t enough? Have you ever felt like there is not enough time to work, try to run a side hustle, take care of the house, the dog, dinner, clean, rest and reset, etc., etc.?

It’s just a feeling that you are not accomplishing your goals or dreams, and you are just tired all the time. Sometimes it can get very discouraging and overwhelming, but know that you are not alone! 

The secret for me was to use this feeling to make changes in my life and my routine to make space for the things that I want to accomplish, including relaxing and watching Netflix. Who wants to just work all the time and not enjoy the things that they have built and paid for?

Ask yourself: What can I do this month to get close to accomplishing my goal? 

Do this without overwhelming yourself, with peace and knowing that doing a little bit is better than not doing anything. 

I listened to a podcast by Rachel Hollis today called “425: How to stop being Indecisive & make big decisions” and she gave the listeners an exercise. Imagine that you are a character in a book, and now imagine what is the best thing that could happen to your character is.

What would your character's life look like?

Ask yourself what is the best thing that could happen to you today? Besides falling on the sidewalk and finding a lottery ticket for the Mega Millions, of course. Imagine possible scenarios for this character and how with your creativity you could solve some problems or help this character needs. 

Food for thought.